You are limited only by your imagination

Whether you believe it or not you are the gatekeeper to your success and failure. More so your habits and indulgence of them.

It’s the little choices that we make everyday that ultimately get us where we are going. This can be in the form of being wealthy, overweight, healthy, uneducated, successful, etc.

Whether you like to admit it to yourself or not, there’s no one out there going out of their way to try and stop you. Everyone has their own adenda at heart and there’s no super villain determined to ruin your life.

Instead our enemies lie within. The choices we make, the thoughts we think and the actions we take.

And once you accept that you are in fact in control you can start carving out your future. And only then will you realize you are limited by your imagination alone.

Whether you want to accomplish some outlandish feat, make a certain amount of money, hit a level of success or just simply live a calm and peaceful life; whatever you can dream up you can accomplish.

It’s simple really, you just have to forget everything you know about limitations. And this means taking “I can’t” out of your vocabulary.

Instead of seeing a problem and telling yourself that you can’t, start looking at the problem as how can I. Reposition your outlook on challenging moments and focus on the little things you can do to achieve your goals.

An example. Say you want to lose weight and you’ve tried numerous times and failed. You just need to see what you were doing right up until the point of failure and make adjustments to what you failed at. Tweak where you messed up and try a different approach.

Instead of trying a completely different approach every time you simply fix whats broken. Through trial and error you’ll find a way through where you mess up and eventually hit another failing point or wall.

At that time repeat the process. See your challenge as an opportunity to create a new approach to solving the problem and before you know it you’ll have successfully worked through something you wouldn’t have done before.

Take this approach to everything in life and instead of looking at a failure as a whole, just analyze what you did right, where things went wrong and try again, only this time with a creative new approach that helps you overcome the failure within the journey.

Your imagination and dedication to reaching your goals are the only limitations you have and I encourage you to pursue whatever it is you want to accomplish because you are more than capable.